Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fun and Easy Classroom Gifts


Yep, I'm here for a Thursday post all in honor of today being my little boys last day of school.  He still has one more year of Preschool but he just finished his first year and thoroughly loved pretty much every minute of it!  His teachers are super, fun and sweet and have the patience of SAINTS!  His best friend is Rachel, who is the cutest little girl... and he's gotten so much better at listening, turn taking and patience - it's so cool to really see a change since the beginning of the school year!

Anyways - today I'm sharing a cheap economical little goody for your child to give to his/her classmates to say goodbye to school and hello to summer fun!

{Hope you have a ball this summer! Beach Ball Goody}

I bought a few inflatable beach balls from Target - they were $.97 each... I bought a few different styles/colors and made a fun little topper with my Silhouette Cameo

Here's what I did -
I formatted the topper with my Silhouette software and turned it into print and cut.  The wording and ball are all printed from my printer and then I cut the toppers with my Cameo (You could easily use a word software for this as well)...

I really wanted to use white cardstock but was out - so I used cream.  It wasn't as crisp as I wanted, but I doubt the 4 year olds even know what it said!

I then grabbed the packages of beach balls and all of the supplies I'd need to do the toppers...

I used a stapler, cutter and glue.  I cut the yellow cardstock into strips large enough to back my toppers.  My toppers were already cut, so I just left them alone.

I then folded the yellow cardstock over the top of the beach ball packaging and stapled it on...  Be careful not to staple over the ball - you'll get an unhappy ball!

I then grabbed my toppers and glued them to the center of the yellow backings...

Viola!  Fun, easy and economical!  My kind of project!  When I picked up Adam the other day, all of the Mom's were blowing up the balls - they may not have enjoyed the goody as much as the kids, but that's just the way the ball inflates!

Have a great day!

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