Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Yarn "Laser" Course...

Good Morning!

Thanks for stopping by! 

I was trying to clean my house the other day... one of my least favorite things to do!  I love love love having a clean house, and we try so hard to keep it picked up so cleaning won't be this huge obstacle, but I swear I spend 2 hours picking up misc and putting it all in the right room/closet/bin/cabinet/drawer - and then still have to clean clean! 

Anyways - my hard work'n man was working both Saturday and Sunday and I knew I had to clean with Adam, who is a wonderful helper, but who I try to keep away from the cleaning supplies... so I knew I'd have to find something for him to do... and then I remembered seeing this on Pinterest...

So, I grabbed these from my craft supplies...

and made this... (please please please forgive the horrible photos - remember, we live in a cave)

And he did this...

He stepped up and over...

crouched under...

Stepped over and bent and ducked all at the same time...

He played with this obstacle course off and on for the whole day.  Of course, this meant that I played with the obstacle course for the whole day - at least any time I wanted to use the restroom, grab something from one of the bedrooms, do laundry, go into the garage... well, you get the point.

We took it down that night after Adam went to bed, but it'll definitely be making more appearances in our house!

Have a great day!

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