Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Wee Bit O' Fun... St. Patty's Day Style

Hello!  Good Morning!

Thank you for stopping by today!

Adam's on Spring break for 2 weeks, yes... 2 weeks!  It feels incredibly early to me, but it is nice to have my little one snuggling next to me every morning without the stress of getting out the door on time!  He's still getting over his yucky virus and I've been trying to work and get ready for Scarlet Threads and Penelope Lane Boutique (which are just in a few weeks!  Eekkk!) but I also want to have some quality fun time... and with St. Patty's Day just around the corner, I thought we'd start looking for fun green themed projects and recipes to do around here!

Aren't these boxes super cute?  I have a few different QuicKutz (she used the Popcorn box) boxes that I could use to make something similar!
These Apothecary Jars are so cute!  I LOVE the rainbow effect from the different candy and can only imagine the amount of time spent making these look so perfect!

I think we'll be making lots of rainbows around here... but maybe with the evaporated milk and food coloring concept??
    We will definitely be making some of these!  Both my guys (big and little) love rice krispie treats!
    I absolutely love this idea!  We're pretty big on scavenger hunts around here... we've printed off different printables for neighborhood, home and outdoor scavenger hunts and I LOVE the concept of a color scavenger hunt!  We could do this many different days and I doubt the Little would get tired of it!
    LOVE the fruit rainbow!  A fun and healthy snack for everyone in our little family!  You could do something similar with pancakes for breakfast, it would be fun to let the Little go to the grocery store and help me pick out the fruit for our rainbow, would help color association.
    Can't beat a FREE Printable!  You could print out a few of these and have your Little draw a Leprechaun or draw his face, your face, Daddy's face, the pets face as a Leprechaun.  You might all get a kick out of this...
    These sure look like a lucky way to start the day!  And if you're going to buy Lucky Charms (we don't normally purchase sugary cereal for Adam, his energy level can't take it... or mine!) you might as well use as much of them as possible!
    And last, a fun little gift for your Leprechaun!  A watercolor paint set - I'm sure you can find these at the DollarTree or the 99Cent Store!
    Hope these ideas leave your feeling a little lucky today!
    Have a great one!

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