Thursday, July 14, 2011



Yummy.  Yummo.  Yummy, there's a party in my tummy.

They taste just like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.  Yup.  And they only take about 15 minutes from start to clean up.

And did I mention, it's no-bake.  WHAT??? 

I know.  Get up, take your laptop into your kitchen and make these tasty goodness.

You can even have them for breakfast with coffee... not that I did today... but you could, you know, if you wanted to.  They have pb, and that's protein.  Pure protein.

I found the recipe on - you'll want to click on this link.  I'm not leading you in the wrong direction.  This is straight up, hard core Disneyland for your adult taste buds.  Here's the actual recipe.  If you've used this recipe before, well, now it's time for you to get reacquainted - it's so much better than you high school boyfriend when you see each other at your reunion.

You probably have most of the ingredients - I know i did.  Doesn't every kitchen have 1 lb of powdered sugar on hand?

Yup - graham crackers, powdered sugar, peanut butter, chocolate chips, butter.  Real butter.

Real, melted, these suckers won't stick to anything, B.U.T.T.E.R.

The recipe calls for 2 sticks of butter but I only had 1.5.  Don't worry, they still taste excellent, just a little more crumbly.  Crumbly is not bad.

That's melted chocolate chips with a spoonful of chunky pb in it spread on the powdered sugar crust.

This is your breakfast tomorrow morning.  Say good morning, sunshine!

Have a great day!

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