Friday, September 9, 2011


Well, now it's my turn to be full of snot and germs and overall grossness.  Sigh.  Yay for preschool germs.

Adam is still sick, we went to his doctor yesterday and am hoping that he'll be on the mend soon.  It was interesting, I sometimes wonder what his Dr. thinks of us because while I'm telling him Adam's yucky symptoms (snot, fever, hacking-barking cough that makes my lungs hurt), Adam is climbing/laughing/hanging on or from whatever he can in the room.  Yup.  Thanks for backing me up with my "He's really sick..." comment, Adam, by acting like a crazed monkey.  Why does my child's energy level go UP with his snot production level?

Okay, enough complaining.  Here's something from the past that I still love and have been wanting to share for, well, over 3 years! 

This is Adam's birth announcement.  I wanted it to look like a shipment statement, so my Mom helped me create the document in Excel and I printed them up, 2 fit on an 8.5" x 11" and you can then mail them in a manila envelope to complete your industrial look. 

All of his birth information is here as follows:  Name, Date (birth date), Time (time he was born), Make (baby), Model (gender), Quantity (how many - if you had twins you'd put 2...) Delivered To (parents name and city) and then I used pounds and ounces on my chart to show Adam's weight and circled the numbers, since he was 3 lbs., 8 oz. I circled the 3 on the top and 8 on the size. 

I used Basic Grey's Baby Boy line for the patterned paper to back Adam's picture.  I bought 2 office style stamps from Office Depot - Completed and Final Notice (I used them both randomly), I used a 7Gypsies label stamp and cut it out of white cardstock and wrote "Paid in Full" on each label.

I still love these announcements.  I also printed out the pictures that I'd taken of Adam in a blue tint, if I'm doing boy, I'm going all the way boy!

That's it for today, I'm hoping that this post reminds you that you can always create something if you cannot find it in a store - I had the idea of a shipping document in my head, couldn't find what I wanted to complete the picture in my head so I (with Bubbles help), made it!  Very cute, very economical, exactly what I wanted. 

Have a great weekend!

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