Monday, January 23, 2012

Pinned Down Mondays


Today is Pinned Down Monday and I'll be sharing a project that I made based on an idea that I found on Pinterest!  Here's my inspiration...

Opps - Pinterest is having some server problems!  I'll just describe it to you and try to fill in the image later!

My soon to be sis-in-law showed me a picture of a painted tree that she liked in place of her sign-in book for their wedding.  It's a painted (?) tree that has a heart with the bride and grooms initials in it.  The tree then has a lot of stamped leaves all over it that people can sign their names onto.  She'll then put this into a picture frame and hang in their home.  I thought it was very clever - so much better than a sign in book that you just put into a drawer and it collects dust...

So, I decided to do a little bit of needle point with the tree/heart initials in mind...

I started off with...
I used a scrap piece that I had left over from cutting down playroom curtains.  Now remember, I'm couch bound so this project is exactly what I needed to keep me entertained!

I used a 4" embroidery hoop.

I then started my red heart.  I didn't sketch out the pattern or anything, I just started.  I didn't want to see any pencil marks or anything.  But you could always sketch it out if you felt more comfortable.

Here's the finished heart.  The D+K are their initials...

I then went back in and, with brown floss, made a wood grain.  Very simple and easy and inexpensive!  Just a little time consuming, but it was really relaxing and enjoyable for me!

I haven't decided how I'm going to use these yet.  I know that I want to use them in the shower and I'm planning on hanging them from a tree branch that's suspended from the ceiling.  I am debating about putting it into a mason jar lid and letting that frame it or if I want to get more of the wooden hoops and let those be the frames... any suggestions?

I'll let you all see the nest few that I finish - the mason jar is looking pretty cute right about now!  The jars done, just need to figure out how I'm going to decorate it!

Have a great day!

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