Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pinecone Bird Feeder

Good Morning!

I know that his project may not be new to most of you, but it might be a good reminder!  The traditional pine cone bird feeder!

Start off with 2 fun little boys...

Err... Monkey's....

Send them out on a pine cone hunt-

Remember to tell them that they only need 1 pine cone, not 20!

Grab peanut butter, bird seed (Thank you DollarTree!), a plastic knife or plastic spoon, a tossable plate and your funny faced boys!

Spread peanut butter all over your pine cones...

When Mommy asks you to smile, make a ridiculous face...

Put your pb covered pine cone on your plastic or paper plate and sprinkle/roll in bird seed...

Wrap baker's twine around cone to hang.  Mental forehead slap for not thinking to do this before the pb and birdseed.

Hang - preferably somewhere that you can watch the birds arrive and snack! 

Yum.  Lucky birds, silly boys, outside fun.  A great, simple, quick and inexpensive project.

See you Friday!

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