Thursday, January 31, 2013

February... A Month of Giving Back


How are you!?  Thanks for visiting again! 

I know, it's been too long...  I'm sorry for the long delay in posts, it's been a busy, overwhelming past 2 months full of Christmas, sickness, fun, birthdays, sickness, work and more!  I've also been playing with the the idea of getting rid of the blog...

I didn't realize how much blogging would take - It takes so much time, planning, organization and creativity, I feel like I'm letting my readers down when I miss a post and, between my shop and family life, blogging seemed like the easy item to let go of.  Then my sister told me that she checked my blog to stalk see what we'd been up to and was bummed that I hadn't blogged in so long.  So, you have my sister to thank for reviving my determination to make this blog work!  Thank you, Karen!

You might be expecting something A-MAY-ZING for the first post back, like a brilliant DIY or papercraft, and while it's an amazing subject to me, you might be a little surprised.  It's about the need to give back and how you can help.

If you've been following me for long, you know that my little boy was born 2 months premature.  I had a condition called HELLP Syndrome, which is basically where your body identifies the baby as a threat and, instead of getting rid of the baby, your body shuts down.  By the time the doctors figured out what was going on, my kidneys, liver and heart were shutting down or had shut down and my brain was next.  So, I delivered Adam via cesarean while under general anesthesia due to the fear of bleeding out.  Adam was born 3 lbs, 9 oz and 20" long - he was beautiful, with a head (and back!) full of hair and the tiniest feet and hands I'd ever seen.

Our NICU experience was as positive of one that you can have; we had an amazing doctor and wonderful, empathetic and giving nurses.  I felt the compassion and was comfortable that my little guy was in the best human hands possible.  And while I felt good about where he was at, I was overwhelmed.  I received a morning and evening update from Adam's doctor every day, and often, those days were filled with positives, but there were also a lot of set-backs such as a tumor on his brain (benign), a malformation of his brain, lung/breathing issues, stomach issues, insulin issues, and more - there were a lot of unknowns and a lot of the calls/visits ended with me confused, scared and emotionally unhinged.  I wasn't always strong, but I did my best.  And I had a lot of strength around me, from the little guy to our family and friends.

The first time I was able to hold him was the greatest moment of my life.  I cannot express the completeness that I felt at that moment, a wholeness that I hadn't felt since he was in my body.  He was so tough, went through so much with different procedures, exams, and more and he inspired me to reevaluate what was important in life.  I loved this little cub with an exponential amount of love that continues to grow every day.

Adam's challenges didn't end with the NICU, he came home on an Apnea/Bradycardio monitor that would alarm whenever he stopped breathing or his HR went below a certain number.  He couldn't keep his O2 level up when he was in a carseat, so he came home in a car bed... I attribute to his general distaste of car trips to the carbed!  He would stop breathing when he slept, anywhere from 2 to 22 times a nap or night.  He would brady approx 1/2 the time he stopped breathing.  He was in and out of the PICU for the first 18 months of his life, his first smile was while in the PICU...  But his smile lights our life daily and has only gotten brighter and brighter.

He is now a healthy (there are some issues that we're still monitoring) little boy who is turning 5.  5!  I cannot believe it.  He continues to amaze me daily, his sharp wit, humor, manipulation skills, intelligence, sweetness and his compassion.  He is the greatest miracle in the world to me.

You might be asking yourself how this l-o-n-g back story is relevant to Kutz.Paper.Scissors... and here it is.  Since it is February, Adam's birthday month, and because I want to use my business in a positive way that can help someone else, I've decided to give 20% of KPS February profit to the March of Dimes. a non-profit charity that helps families who are dealing with prematurity and gives funds to research to find the cure for prematurity. 

If you have seen a product of mine that you love and want your money to go a little further, please make a purchase in February at Kutz. Paper. Scissors .  You don't have to do anything extra, I'll keep everyone updated on the progress of the monies raised throughout the month and then do a final reveal!  Easy cheesey - you get something awesome from KPS and are giving back in the process - it's a win-win!

So that's it!  Phew!  A super long story and some very cute photos of my little cub... I hope the photos were worth the length!  Thanks for continuing through to the end, and even if you don't see anything in the shoppe that you need, please share this story - the proceeds go to such a worthwhile cause!

Have a great first day of February!

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