Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Good Morning!

A few months back, I said that there were going to be some big changes in my KPS Etsy shop... and I've finally put those changes in play.

I've decided, after over a year of contemplation, talking with my husband, watching the needs of my little family change, to close the Kutz. Paper. Scissors. Etsy Shop.

This was not an easy decision to make, which is probably why it's taken me so long to actually close it, but fortunately, I had a kick in the pants this spring due to my families health issues and now, a person/family in need.

Meet Sarah Amento and her beautiful family.

I've never met Sarah but I've been following her story for a while now.  A friend of ours is a good friend of hers and she's posted numerous messages about Sarah's battle with cancer, fundraisers to help Sarah and her family, etc on her Facebook Page.  The thought of her having to leave her family is so wrong, well, there's nothing else to say.  It's all wrong.

And while I can't do much to help this family, there's an upcoming fundraiser where they're hoping to raise enough money to send Sarah to Austria for a treatment they're hoping will extend her life up to 5 years. So, I donated my entire KPS inventory to the fundraiser.  I'm hoping they sell everything I gave them and that they use that money for whatever they want.  I wish I had more to donate.

You can read more on Sarah's story here:

You can also visit her Facebook Page here:

So, you can see why closing the Kutz. Paper. Scissors Etsy Shop became less of a decision I had to make, and more of an action I had to do.  There's no better way to run out of inventory!

As for my KPS Blog - don't worry, it's still here and not going anywhere!  I love sharing ideas, recipes, family life and more with all of my readers.

I hope you have a great day, and please, if you have a moment, read Sarah's story.


  1. You're amazing friend. I just read her story, watched the video and cried. xoxo

  2. God bless you. Incredible person you are.
